Tuesday, February 26, 2019

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय नेपाली साहित्य समाज वासिङ्टन डिसी मेट्रो कमिटीको सूचना !

 यस संस्थाको बर्तमान कार्य समितिको कार्य अबधी सकिनै लागेको र नयाँ कार्य समितिको निर्वाचन अगाडि नियमानुसार सदस्यता लिन इच्छुकहरुलाई मौका प्रदान गर्ने निर्णय भए बमोजिम यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिंदैछ । एक सय डलर तिरेर सदस्य बन्न मात्र होइन कार्य समितिको निर्वाचनमा प्रजातान्त्रिक तवरले भाग लिन पाइने छ । तसर्थ अनेसासको सदस्यता लिन इच्छुक महानुभाबहरुलाई मार्च महिना भित्रै सदस्यता लिनुहुन अनुरोध गर्दै अप्रिलको पहिलो साता निर्वाचन समिति र निर्वाचन कार्यक्रम घोषणा र अप्रिल भित्रै कार्य समितिको निर्वाचन सम्पन्न गरिने जानकारी गराइन्छ । धन्यवाद ।

- अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय नेपाली साहित्य समाज
 वासिङ्टन डिसी मेट्रो कमिटी       


The name of the corporation is:
DC METRO Committee, INC.
(Working Area : This committee will work WashingtonDCMetro Area.)
The period of duration is PERPETUAL.
The objectives of the International Nepali Literary Society (INLS), DC Metro committee are as follows.
         i.            To preserve and promote Nepali language, literature, culture, and arts in Nepalese Diaspora.
       ii.            To write, publish and distribute works related to Nepalese language, literature, culture and arts.
      iii.            To conduct seminars which help to preserve and promote Nepalese language, literature, culture, and arts.
     iv.            To encourage and recognize significant contributions made by Nepalese writers, Poet, educators and artists and related persons.
       v.            To develop programs to promote Nepalese literature, language, arts and culture among children of Nepalese origin.
     vi.            To initiate and develop literary and cultural networking, and to promote printing, audio, video and other media to advance Nepalese language, literature, arts and culture.
    vii.            To support the development of other Nepalese folk/tribal languages, folk literature and folk culture.
  viii.            To promote the translation of Nepalese literature in other languages for encouraging such works in an international arena.
IV-1. Membership
International Nepali Literary Society (INLS), Washington DC Metro Committee shall have members. In general, anybody with any nationality, race, or religion can be a member who has interest in Nepali language, literature, culture, and arts.
The INLS, Washington DC Metro committee EC will have the right to grant membership for those meeting the
criteria provided below. The membership will be classified into following TWO categories:
IV-1-1. General Members
This membership is classified in two (2) types:
i.         Individual annual membership: A person who pays membership fee US $20.00 in the US or equivalent to US $20.00 in other countries.
ii.       Individual life membership: An individual who pays membership fee US $100.00 in the US or equivalent to US $100.00 in other countries.
The duties and privileges of the Individual   life members are:
i.         To file candidacy in Executive Committee election
ii.       To vote for the Executive Committee members
iii.      To attend the regular meetings
iv.     To participate in setting the policies of the Chapter
v.       To receive the complementary copies of literary journals published by the Chapter.
IV-1-2. Institutional members:
Institutional membership will be granted for those who pay US$200.00 or equivalent to US $200.00
The duties and privileges of institutional members are:
i.         To vote for the Executive Committee members
ii.       To attend the annual assembly meeting.
iii.      To receive the free copy of literary journal/s published by the Chapter.
IV-2. Membership Time Cut-Off:
The cut-off date for each member will be exactly the same date in the consecutive year when the membership was granted.
ARTICLE V. The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (EC) is an elected body by the general assembly of the INLS, DC Metro Chapter members and EC will implement day-to-day works of the Chapter. The EC should remain in INLSDC Metro Chapter’s annual goal, planning and estimated budget to implement the programs. The EC is also called Board of Directors (BOD).
VI-1 Office Management
The business and affairs of the INLS, Washington DC Metro committee (or Corporation) shall be managed by Executive Committee members, which are known as Chapter Officers.
VI-2 Term of Service
VI-2 (i)  Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve for a term of 2 (two) years.
VI-2(ii) March 14th is the established day of this chapter. Every year, this committee will have an annual assembly meeting on March 14th. The new elected  Board of Directors will take over on every second year of March 14th. One week ahead or later is tolerable if there is any type of reasonable hardship but election committee should allow them to do so.
VI-2(iii)                 The immediate past election committee may request to the current Executive Members who has completed the two years term to keep serving until the new elected EC is ready to take over.

VI-3 Place of Meeting
Meetings of the Executive Committee of the Chapter will be held at such a place within DC Metro area as deemed appropriated by the EC members.
VI-4 Frequency of Meetings
Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held quarterly at such place, date and hour as a majority of the Executive Committee members may designate.
VII-1. Structure of the Executive Committee (BOD)
The Executive Committee of the INLS, DC Metro Chapter will constitute of following officers:
A. President
B. Vice-President (general)
C. Vice-President (women)
D. Vice-President (cultural)
E. General Secretary
F. Secretary
G. Treasurer
H. Communication Director
I. Members at large 3 to 21
J. Immediate past president
VII-2. Election of the Executive Committee
VII-2-1 Election Procedure
1.       INLS, Washington DC Metro committee's annual members, life members and institutional members and the current headquarter’s life members, trustees, annual members of DC Metro area will elect the executive committee of DC Metro committee by majority vote in election.
2.       The President will appoint an election commissioner with consultation of Executive Committee and board of advisers.
3.       The notice of election should be announced at least 1 weeks prior to election and nomination should be filed within 2 weeks of the announcement.
4.       Election could be held secret ballot or via electronic media as approved and recommended by the Executive Board.
VII-2-2 Minimum Qualification
Minimum Qualification for each official will be as follows:
1. President
a.       President will be someone who has interest in development of languages and literature ofNepal in Diaspora.
b.      President should be able to lead, manage and organize the chapter’s activities according to the INL’s objectives.
c.       One shall not be running for the position of the president for more than two consecutive terms.
2. Vice-Presidents
Vice- President A works for general activities, Vice- President B works for women and children's activities, Vice- President C works for multi-cultural activities, who has interest in development of languages and literature of Nepal in Diaspora. And s/he should be able to help the president as well.
3. General Secretary
General Secretary will be someone who has interest in language and literature and knowledge of keeping minutes.
4. Secretary
Secretary will be someone who has interest in language and literature and knowledge of keeping minutes and help to General Secretary.
5. Treasurer
Treasurer will be someone who has interest in language and literature and knowledge of accounting.
6.  Communication Director 
Communication Director works for media and e-literature activities such as News dispatch, webmaster and literary journalism activities.
7. Members at large
Member at Large will be someone who has interest in development of languages and literature of Nepal in Diaspora.
8. Patron and Advisers[2]
i.         Founding President INLSHQ Hom Nath Subedi, Patron by ex-official.
ii.       Past Presidents of INLS DC Area Adviser, by ex-official.
iii.      Other 3 to 21 Advisers  will be appointed by the Executive Committee based on his/her interest in supporting and guiding the Chapter’s Executive Committee from the field of languages and literature of Nepal.
9. Chief Editor
1.       The chief editor is encouraged to attend the annual programs and the Executive Committee meetings.
2.       He/She will be responsible to collect quality print materials for the official journal (or journals) of the Chapter, publish the journal (or journals) in accordance with the budget, and assure the proper distribution of journal (or journals).

VII-2-3. Duties of INLS, Washington DC Metro committee’s Elected Officers
The Executive Committee officers’ designation, rights and responsibilities are as follows:
1. President
1.       President will lead the Chapter and will represent the majority votes/opinions of the Executive Committee.
2.       President will work closely with all members of the Executive Committee and try to maintain the dynamic spirit of the Chapter.
3.       The president will establish good relation with other organizations as appropriate.
4.       The president will provide directions to the Chapter’s programs and activities going to be held in different regions of Metro area.
5.       President can appoint advisors and committee members and get approvals from BOD.
2. Vice-President
1.       Vice-president will help the president to make decisions.
2.       In the absence of the president, the vice-president will have all the rights and responsibilities of the President.
3. General Secretary
1.       The General Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the business meetings
of the Chapter and organize meetings as directed by the Executive Committee and president.
2.       He/She will serve as a Communication Officer of the Chapter and will
assist in implementing the decisions made by the Executive Committee.

4. Secretary:
1. To help the General Secretary to make decisions.
2. To act as a General Secretary in the absence of the General Secretary.
5. Treasurer
1.       The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping all the financial records of the Chapter.
2.       He/She will maintain an up-to-date roster of the membership of the Chapter.
3.       He/She will run a joint bank account with President and General Secretary.
4.       He/She will develop the annual budget of the Chapter and present income and expenses in the annual meetings.
6. Members at large
He/She will work on special projects as assigned by the Executive Committee.
7. Chief Editor
1.       The chief editor is encouraged to attend the annual programs and the Executive Committee meetings.
2.       He/She will be responsible to collect quality print materials for the official journal (or journals) of the Chapter, publish the journal (or journals) in accordance with the budget, and assure the proper distribution of journal (or journals).

ARTICLE VIII. Interim Vacancy
Following procedures will apply in case of vacant position/s due to the resignation by any elected official in the Executive Committee.
VIII-1. If a two-year term position of President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, or Treasurer is vacated for any reason within one year of the election, a special election will be held during next upcoming meeting to fill the vacant position until the next election. The Executive Committee will have the right to choose election committee.
VIII-2. If a two-year term position of President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, or Treasurer is vacated for any reason after one year of the election, the Executive Committee will nominate qualified officers to fill the vacant position as per bylaws of INLS to fill the position until the next election.
VIII-3. Until the special election is held or the Executive Committee nominates to fill the vacant position, remaining elected officials will run the Corporation in consultation with the Advisory Board.
The provisions for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Chapter (or Corporation) are as follows.
IX-1. Annual General Assembly:
The EC will organize the Chapter’s annual general assembly once in a year March 14th in appropriate place in Northern Virginia or DC Metro area.
IX-2. Functions of the General Assembly:
i.         To elect Executive Committee members once in two years.
ii.       To approve the record of the Corporation’s income, expense, and annual budget.
iii.      If any articles in the bylaws need to be amended, it will require two-third (2/3) of votes of the members.
IX-3 Meeting and Calendar Year
IX-3-1. Meetings
Fifty-one percent (51%) of the quorum should be maintained in the Executive Committee meeting and General Assembly meeting. Voting to pass a resolution could be accepted in writing. Proxy vote of not more than thirty percent (30%) absent members will be accepted. Members could participate in meeting via email or via telephone, and will be counted towards the quorum.
IX-3-2. Calendar year
Calendar year will begin on January 1st of each year, and the total number of the Chapter’s members will be updated and reported during the end (i.e., December 31) of each calendar year.
IX-3-3 The Patron and Advisory Board[3]
                     i.            Patron: Founding President of INLSHQ  Homnath Subedi Patrone  by position 
                   ii.            Advisors: All Presidents of INLS DC Metro Area by Position
                  iii.            On behalf of Executive Committee, President will nominate the Advisory Board and   members 3 up to 21. Advisory Board will contain up to 21 people who are devoted in social works or specialized person in language, literature, arts, science, technology, philosophy, or in any related field that could serve the best interest towards achieving the Chapter’s goal.

ARTICLE X. Organizational Structure
The members of the Corporation constitute the Executive Committee (EC), and EC will be elected by the General Assembly.
X-1. Structure of the Corporation
1.       The INLS, DC Metro Chapter is registered as a not-for-profit tax exempt organization in the Virginia, and its own group exemption from the IRS.
2.       It will abide by the law of the United States of America.
3.       Any fund raising and financial activity will satisfy periodic audit need and will comply with United States Internal Revenue regulations.
4.       A subordinate described in section 501(c)(3) may not be included in a group exemption letter if it is a private foundation described in section 509(a).
5.       International Nepali Literary Society, DC Metro Chapter, Inc. is organized exclusively for charitable, literary, educational and scientific purposes, including for such a purpose, making of the distribution to organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal Tax code.)
X-2. Regulatory Restrictions
1.       No part of the net earning of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its Executive members, officers or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501(c)(3) purposes.
2.       No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office). Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(C)(3) of Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code) or (b) by a corporation, contribution to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of its Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.)
ARTICLE XI. Amendments
The Executive Committee shall have the rights to propose the amendments of the existing bylaws, and the bylaws can be amended by a two-third (2/3) vote of the members as indicated in Article IX-2-iii and IX-3-1.
ARTICLE XII. Liquidation
The liquidation and dissolution of the Chapter or the amendment of the Article of the Incorporation of the International Nepali Literary Society, Virginia (DC Metro) Chapter may be decided upon by a two–third majority of those present and voting at a General Assembly Meeting in the general assembly, provided that notice of the proposed dissolution or details of the proposed amendment shall have been circulated with the notice of the meeting. In the event of dissolution, any residual funds of the Chapter shall be applied by the Executive Committee before vacating office in furtherance of the Chapter’s aims, and no member shall have any claim on the Chapter in respect to fees and subscriptions paid.
XIII. Articles of association
International Nepali Literary Society, DC Metro chapter, Our organization was formed in George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia on March 14, 2003, registered at Commonwealth of Virginia, State Corporation Commission, Richmond, Virginia on April 22, 2003, said organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purpose, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose, any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of Common Pleas of the country in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
This organization shall have no stock.
We agree to adhere to the articles, bylaws, handbook, and policies of our parent organization, international Nepali Literary Society.
We will also do the following: send in annual reports for evaluation; have field investigations by our parent organization; report to our parent organization, and understand that our parent organization has control over our organization.
XIV. Clarification and Definition of Terms:
1.       The rules and procedures in Chapter’s meeting will be followed as per the rules provided in the book “Roberts Rule of Orders.”
2.       The “Corporation” or “Chapter” stands for INLSDC Metro committee.
3.       The “Board of Directors” stands for “Executive Committee” of the INLS, DC Metro committee.

**Special Amendment 

A- If election  couldn't done on time, executive  committee of INLS DC can make a decision for extend term not more than 6 month.
B - INLS, Washington DC Metro executive committee's decision will be final if there is any errors or confusion or  problems.
C- committee's name has changed from INLS, Washington DC Metro Chapter to INLS, Washington DC Metro committee.

INLS DC Metro Article with amendments approved on March 15 2015 AG.

INLS DC Metro Chapter Annual Meeting minute
March 15 2015

The general meeting has approved the following amendments. The following amended articles are attached   with the amendments, for the general member's information.

[1] INLS DC Metro Article with amendments final March 15 2015 AG.
[2] INLS DC Metro Article with amendments final March 15 2015 AG.
[3] INLS DC Metro Article with amendments final March 15 2015 AG.

(क) आर्थिक बिभाग
- आय ब्ययको लेखा ब्यवस्थापन गर्ने।
- बजेट ब्यवस्थापनको लागी नीति निर्माण र कार्यान्वयन गर्ने।
- कोष बृद्धीका लागी चन्दा,लेबी,सहायता तथा कोष अभिवृद्धिका कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्ने।
- बिभिन्न बिभागहरूले सञ्चालन गर्ने कार्यक्रमहरूमा समन्वय गरेर कोषको ब्यवस्था गरिदिने।
- कोषको लेखा परिक्षण कार्य समिति या बिधानले ब्यवस्था गरे बमोजिम गराउने ।
- सॅस्थाले सञ्चालन गर्ने बिभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरूमा आवश्यक कोषको ब्यवस्था गरिदिने ।
सॅयोजक:-श्री पुष्कर पन्त
सदस्य सचिब:-श्री अनिल खनाल
सदस्य :-
(ख) कला तथा सॅस्कृति बिभाग
- कला तथा साॅस्कृतिलाई पनि बिकास, बिस्तार र उत्थान गर्ने सॅस्थाको नीति र उदेश्य बमोजिम कर्य गर्ने।
- कला तथा साॅस्कृति सम्वन्धि कार्य गर्ने सॅघ सॅस्थाहरू सॅग समन्वय र सहकार्य गर्ने।
- कला तथा साॅस्कृति सॅग आबद्ध ब्यक्तिहरूलाई सॅस्था तथा सॅस्थाको कार्यक्रम सॅग आबद्ध गराउने ।
- सॅस्थाको तर्फबाट या अन्य सॅघ सॅस्था सॅग सहकार्य गरेर साॅस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमको आयोजना, प्रतियोगीता तथा प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमहरू सॅचालन गर्न ।
- कला तथा साॅस्कृति सॅग सम्बन्धित अन्य कार्य गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक:-श्रीमती मञ्जू सॅग्रौला
सदस्य सचिब:-
सदस्य :-
(ग) प्रचार प्रसार बिभाग
-सॅस्थाको पारित निर्णय,नीति तथा कार्यक्रमहरू अध्यक्ष ज्यूसॅग परामर्श गरेर बिज्ञप्ती मार्फत आम सॅचार माध्यम तथा नागरिक समाजलाई जानकारी गराउने।
-आम सञ्चार माध्यमसॅग सम्पर्क र समन्वय गरेर सॅस्थाको नीति तथा कार्यक्रमलाई प्रचार प्रसारमा ल्याउने।
-सामाजिक सञ्जाल , बिद्दुतीय सम्पर्क माध्यम तथा अन्य माध्यम मार्फत कला तथा साहित्य प्रेमीहरूसॅग सम्पर्क र सम्वन्ध स्थापित गर्दै सॅस्थाको बिषयमा जानकारी गराउने ।
-कम्तिमा बर्षको एक पटक सञ्चार कर्मी तथा पत्रकारहरूसॅग अन्तरकृया कार्यक्रम गर्नु पर्ने।
- समाजिक सञ्चार माध्यम एवं सञ्जाल मार्फत नेपाली कला साहित्य प्रेमीहरू समक्ष सॅस्थालाई पुर्याउदा ,अध्यक्ष ज्यूसॅग समन्वय गरेर गर्ने ।
-सॅस्थाको तर्फबाट मेला,प्रदर्शनी तथा अन्य स्थानमा प्रतिनिधीत्व गर्नु पर्दा ब्यानर,स्टल लगायत आवश्यकीय सामग्री सहित प्रतिनिधीत्व गर्ने ।
-प्रचार प्रसार सम्वन्धि अन्य कार्य गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक:-श्री परशु तिमिल्सीना
सदस्य सचिब:-श्री बिश्वराज थापा
सदस्य :-
(घ) सामाजिक तथा जन सम्पर्क बिभाग
-कला र सॅस्कृति सम्वन्धि कार्य गर्ने बिभिन्न सॅघ सॅस्थाहरूसॅग सम्पर्क र समन्वय गरि विचारको आदान प्रदान तथा सहकार्य गर्ने ।
-समाजमा रहनु भएका तर विवीध कारणले बाहिर आउन नसक्नु भएका कला तथा साहित्य प्रेमीहरूलाई सॅस्थाको सम्पर्क र सम्वन्धमा ल्याउने।
-समाजको विविध तह र क्षेत्रमा सम्पर्क गरि कला तथा साहित्य प्रेमीहरूलाई आजीवन सदस्यता बनाउदै सॅस्थासॅग आवद्दता बनाउने।यसका निम्ति बिभागले बार्षिक लक्ष्य बनाएर कार्य गर्ने र प्रगति विवरण कार्य समितिलाई बुझाउने ।
-यस अगाडीका र अब बन्ने आजीवन सदस्यहरूसॅग नियमित सम्पर्कमा रहने । प्रचार प्रसार बिभागसॅग समन्वय गरेर उहाॅहरूलाई सॅस्थाको गतिविधिहरू नियमित रूपमा अवगत गराउने ।
-सामाजिक तथा जन सम्पर्क सम्वन्धि अन्य कार्य गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक:-श्री अरूण रूपाखेती
सदस्य सचिब:-
सदस्य :-

(ङ) यूवा तथा बिद्यार्थी बिभाग
-नेपाली कला र साहित्यलाई नयाॅ उचाईमा पुर्याउन यूवा तथा बिद्यार्थी वर्गसॅग सम्पर्क र सम्वन्धको बिकास गरि उनिहरूमा कला र साहित्य प्रति रूची एवं उत्प्रेरणा जगाउॅदै सॅस्थासॅग आबद्ध गराउने।
-प्रतिभावान तर विवीध कारणले बाहिर आउन नसकेका यूवा प्रतिभाहरूको खोजी गरि उनिहरूलाई प्रेरणा र अवसर प्रदान गर्दै सॅस्थामा आबद्ध गराउने ।
-यूवा तथा बिद्यार्थी वर्गलाई लक्षित गर्दै कला तथा साहित्य सम्वन्धि कार्यक्रमहरू साहित्य तथा अनुसंधान बिभाग र कला तथा साॅस्कृति बिभागसॅग समन्वय गरेर आयोजना गर्ने ।
-सॅस्थाको तर्फबाट कार्यक्रमहरू गर्दा आवश्यक स्वयं सेवकको ब्यवस्था गर्ने।
-यूवा तथा बिद्यार्थी सम्वन्धि अन्य कार्य गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक :-श्री राम अधिकारी
सदस्य सचिब :-
सदस्य :-

(च) साहित्य,अनुसंधान तथा प्रकाशन बिभाग
-सॅस्थाको निर्धारित बार्षिक कार्यक्रमलाई बाधा नपुग्ने गरि साहित्य सम्वन्धि कार्यक्रमहरू सञ्चालन गर्ने ।
-सॅस्थाले सञ्चालन गर्ने साहित्यिक प्रतियोगीताको कार्य समितिले निर्धारण गरे बमोजिम समन्वय र सञ्चालन गर्ने ।
-साहित्य सम्वन्धि अध्ययन, अनुसंधान, गोष्ठी, कार्यशाला तथा अन्य कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गर्ने ।
-सॅस्थाको तर्फबाट प्रकाशित गरिने लेख,रचना,स्मारीका, पुस्तिका आदीको सम्पादन तथा प्रकाशन गर्ने ।
-साहित्य,अनुसंधान तथा प्रकाशन सम्वन्धि अन्य कार्य गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक :- श्री प्रेम सॅग्रौला
सदस्य सचिब :- श्री खिमानन्द आचार्य
सदस्य :-
(छ) कार्यक्रम तथा नीति निर्माण बिभाग
- कार्य समिति र साधारण सभाको निर्णय एवं सॅस्थाको विधानको परिधि भित्र रहेर सॅस्थाको बार्षिक ककार्यक्रम तथा नीतिको तर्जुमा गरि स्वीकृतिको लागी अध्यक्ष ज्यू मार्फत कार्य समितिमा पेश गर्ने ।
- कार्यक्रमहरू प्रभावकारी होउन र एक आपसमा नबाझिईउन भन्नका लागी अन्य बिभागहरूसॅग समन्वय गरेर कार्यक्रमको तर्जुमा गर्ने ।
- सॅस्थाको तर्फबाट गरिने कार्यक्रमहरूको समन्वय र ब्यवस्थापन गर्ने ।
-कार्यक्रम तथा नीति निर्माण सम्वन्धि अन्य कार्य गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक :- श्री भुपनारायण घर्तिमगर
सदस्य सचिब :- श्री रबिन्द्र श्रेष्ठ
सदस्य :-
(ज) नेपाली भाषा बिभाग
-अमेरिकी सामाजिक परिवेशमा हुर्कीरहेका नेपाली समूदायका बच्चाहरूलाई नेपाली भाषा सिकाउन नितान्त आवश्यक छ।त्यसका निम्ति अध्यक्ष ज्यू ले सपथ ग्रहण समारोहमा घोषणा गर्नु भए बमोजिम अन्य सॅघ सॅस्थाहरूसॅग सहकार्य गरेर नेपाली भाषा कक्षा सञ्चालन गर्ने ।
-अमेरिकी सामाजिक परिवेशमा हुर्कीरहेका नेपाली बच्चाहरूका वास्तविक भाषा सॅस्कृतिका दूत र गुरू उनिहरूका आमाहरू नै हुन।त्यसैले यस्ता आमाहरूसॅग सम्पर्क, गोष्ठी, छलफल आदि गरिकन नेपाली भाषा प्रति जागरूकता बढाई दिने।
-मूख्य मूख्य नेपाली चाडबाडहरूमा , भाषा कक्षामा नेपाली सॅस्कृति झल्कने गतिविधिहरू गर्ने ।
-नेपाली भाषाको बिकास र बिस्तार सम्वन्धि कार्यक्रमहरू बनाएर कार्यान्वयन गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक :- श्रीमती शुभद्रा पराजुली
सदस्य सचिब :-
सदस्य :-
(झ) महिला तथा बाल बालिका बिभाग
-कला र साहित्य सम्वन्धि रूचि र प्रतिभा भएका नेपाली दिदी बहिनीहरूलाई प्रेरणा र सहयोग प्रदान गर्दै सॅस्थामा आबद्ध गराउने ।
-नेपाली कला, साहित्य र सॅस्कृति प्रति जागरूकता जगाउॅदै सॅस्थासॅग आबद्ध गराउन बाल बालिका तथा महिला सम्वन्धि कार्यक्रमहरू गर्ने ।
-नेपाली साॅस्कृतिक चाडबाडहरूमा महिला तथा बाल बालिकाहरूलाई आबद्ध गराई नेपाली सॅस्कार र सॅस्कृति झल्किने कार्यक्रमहरू गर्ने ।
-महिला तथा बाल बालिका सम्वन्धि अन्य कार्यहरू गर्ने ।
सॅयोजक :- श्रीमती बिमला निरौला
सदस्य सचिब :- श्रीमती रजनी श्रेष्ठ
सदस्य :- श्रीमती अम्बिका गुरूङ्ग
सदस्य :- श्रीमती पुष्पा घिमीरे

( क ) बिभाग गठन गर्दा 5 देखि 9 सदस्यीय बनाउन सकिने छ।हाललाई सदस्य सॅख्या कमि भए पनि भविष्यमा आवश्यकता अनुसार बिभाग प्रमुख र सदस्य सचिवले सल्लाह र सहमति गरेर अध्यक्ष ज्यूसॅग सामान्य परामर्श गरि सदस्य सॅख्या थप्न सक्नुहुने छ।यसरी सदस्य सॅख्या थप्दा आजीवन सदस्यहरूबाट या आजीवन सदस्य बनाई थप्नु पर्ने छ।
(ख) कार्य समिति र साधारण सभाको निर्णय एवं बिधानको परिधि भित्र रहेर बिभागहरू आफ्नो कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्न स्वतन्त्र हुने छन्।मात्र कार्यक्रमलाई बढी प्रभावकारी र एक आपसमा समय नबझाउनका लागी अध्यक्ष ज्यूसॅग सामान्य परामर्श र कार्यक्रम तथा नीति निर्माण बिभागसॅग सामान्य समन्वय गर्नु पर्ने छ।
(ग) कार्यक्रम गर्दा सोही प्रयोजनका लागी बिभागहरूले आवश्यक चन्दा सहयोग सॅकलन गर्न सक्ने छन्।सॅकलित रकम र बचेको रकम सॅस्थालाई दिन आवश्यक पर्ने छैन।बचेको रकम अर्को कार्यक्रममा प्रयोग गर्न पाईने छ।सॅकलित रकमको आम्दानी खर्च विवरण र चन्दा सहयोगको श्रोत विवरण आर्थिक बिभागलाई अनिवार्य रूपमा दिनु पर्ने छ।
(घ) बिभागहरूले आपसमा आपसी सम्मान, मेलमिलाप एवं सहयोगात्मक वातावरणको निर्माण गरि कार्य गर्नु पर्ने छ।
(ङ) बिभागहरूले आफ्नो कार्यक्रम गर्दा सॅस्थाका सॅरक्षक,पदाधिकारी, सदस्य, सल्लाहकार, बिभागीय सदस्य,आजीवन सदस्य तथा कला र साहित्य सम्वन्धि अन्य जानकार र प्रेमी महानुभावहरूलाई आमन्त्रित, अतिथि, प्रमुख अतिथि, विशेष अतिथि तथा श्रोत ब्यक्तिको रूपमा आमन्त्रण गर्न सक्ने छन्।
(च) कार्य समितिका पदाधिकारी तथा सदस्यहरू नभएता पनि बिभागीय प्रमुखहरू र सदस्य सचिवहरूले आमन्त्रित सदस्यको रूपमा कार्य समितिको बैठकमा भाग लिन पाउनुहुने छ।
( छ) माथि पृष्ठभूमिमा लेखिएका " सॅस्था " भन्ने शब्दले , अन्तराष्ट्रीय नेपाली साहित्य समाज डी सी च्याप्टरलाई जनाउने छ ।
विशेष अनुरोध :- कार्य समितिका पदाधिकारी , सदस्य ,बिभागीय सॅयोजक, सदस्य सचिब तथा सदस्य महानुभावहरू, पूर्ण जानकारी प्राप्त गरि सॅस्थाको कार्य सम्पादनमा सहजता ल्याउनका निम्ति एक पटक सम्पूर्ण बिभागहरूका काम,कर्तव्य तथा निर्देशिका राम्ररी पढीदिनुहुन बिनम्र अनुरोध छ।
धन्यवाद !
(राम प्रसाद खनाल )
अन्तराष्ट्रीय नेपाली साहित्य समाज, वाशिंगटन डी सी

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